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My name is Andreas, I'm a software engineer working as a tech lead for MyGizmo . I'm passionate about Laravel, Livewire, books , and a bunch of other things.

I'm a father of two wonderful girls, Celia and Isolde, aged 4 and 1.

Feel free to browse around, or check below to find my latest blog post, what book I'm currently reading, and a form where you can submit your email to a newsletter that may exist one day.

Latest blog post

I recently submitted a pull request to the Laravel framework to add a new Eloquent attribute called CollectedBy. In short, it allows you to use an attribute to configure your Eloquent model to use a specific Collection class, rather than the default...
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Currently reading

Bonds of Chaos Threadlight #3

Zack Argyle
Started: 2024-10-20 · Expected to finish: 2024-11-17 (28 days)
Word count: 130,000 · Pace: 4,537 words per day
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