Structuring Your Livewire Projects

Posted on 2024-05-10 · 4 minute read
Project structure

A while ago I refactored a rather large Livewire application at work to use a pattern inspired by Caleb’s fantastic Data Table series (if you haven’t watched those series yet you should just stop reading this right now and go watch them right now, they are incredible!) In that series, Caleb simply calls his full-page component Page. I decided to take that a step further.

Earlier, I had been using descriptive names like OrdersList (for the page that lists orders) and ProductForm (for the page where you create a new product), but it didn’t feel completely right. Especially when Livewire version 3 came out, and Form objects where introduced, the latter caused a lot of confusion. So I pivoted to instead using verbs such as ListOrders for my full-page components, and kept them in a their own Pages-namespace.

1 - App\Livewire\Components\OrdersList
2 + App\Livewire\Pages\ListOrders
4 - App\Livewire\Components\ProductForm
5 + App\Livewire\Pages\CreateProduct

So then ProductForm became the name of the Form object, rather than the full-page component, which made things a lot clearer for me. I would keep the Form objects in a App\Livewire\Forms namespace to keep things nice and tidy.

└── Livewire
    ├── Forms
    │   └── ProductForm.php
    └── Pages
        ├── CreateProduct.php
        ├── EditProduct.php
        └── ListOrders.php

Then I hit another problem. Turned out the form for creating a brand new product, and the form for editing an existing product wasn’t exactly the same. I had the CreateProduct and EditProduct - no issue there. But what about the ProductForm? Guess we could go with CreateProductForm and EditProductForm. Not optimal, but it could still work. Those directories, however, soon started to get pretty cluttered.

It was at this point that I watched Caleb’s screencasts. Of course, he didn’t just put the Page component in a generic Pages-directory because that would make no sense at all, but he instead takes a very CRUD-oriented approach and creates the component at App\Livewire\Orders\Index\Page. I really liked this way of thinking, and it kind of reminded me of Adam Wathan’s Cruddy by Design-talk. This appraoch has a lot of benefits for organising the code, and leaves you with a nice, domain-focused directory structure where related code goes together.

└── Livewire
    ├── Orders
    │   ├── Index
    │   │   └── Page.php
    │   └── ...
    └── Products
        └── ...

We also have a directory dedicated to our page component where related code can go. Those forms from before? Just call them Form and put them next to their respective page component. If you want to reuse the same form for both creating and editing, put it in the Products directory one level above.

Not only does it work great for Form objects, but any other related code as well. Say your create product-form is a multistep form and you need an enum to track the steps. You can simply put that right beside the page component. Nice, co-located and cohesive.

└── Livewire
    ├── Orders
    │   └── Index
    │       └── Page.php
    └── Products
        ├── Create
        │   ├── Form.php
        │   ├── Page.php
        │   └── Step.php
        ├── Edit
        │   ├── Form.php
        │   └── Page.php
        └── Index
            └── Page.php

The approach sure is nice for simple objects and enums, but it works just as well for nested components. Sometimes you have very generic components that can go in a namespace such as App\Livewire\Common, but at least for me, more often than not, I tend to extract components that are specific to a certain page. In those cases, I can just put it together with the page component. If I have a dialog component for showing information about certain product types at product creation (kind of a contrived example, sorry for that, but I think you get the gist), you can create a component right beside the page component.

But just like with full-page components - I’ve noticed that it isn’t too uncommon that I create accompanying objects for those nested components too, so just like I’ve started naming every full-page component Page, I’ve started naming every nested component Index. So if I, for some reason, need a dedicated Form object for that nested component, I can just put them side-by-side everything is just nice, co-located and cohesive.

└── Livewire
    └── Products
        └── Create
            ├── Form.php
            ├── Page.php
            ├── Step.php
            └── TypeInformationDialog
                ├── Form.php
                └── Index.php

And just like with Blade components, the index part can be omitted when referencing it in the view:

<livewire:products.create.type-information-dialog />

So what we've ended up with is an app where basically every single Livewire component is named either Page or Index. And let me tell you - it's a delight to work with.