With All Things Wrapping Up...

Posted on 2024-12-05 · 2 minute read

'Tis the season of Wrapped, and I apparently managed to place myself among the top 0.005% listeners of The Emptiness Machine by Linkin Park by listening to it a total of 192 times. It's just that good (and so is the rest of the album!)

Speaking of wrapping things up, I actually took some time to scratch an itch I've had for a time, which is conditionally wrapping Blade-components with other Blade-components. I've had abominations like this (bit of a contrived example, but whatever) in some of my codebases for a while and it just hurts every time I open them up:


    'special' => false,

@if ($special)
    <x-some-wrapper-component :$special>
        <div class="...">
            {{ $slot }}
    <div class="...">
        {{ $slot }}

Yeah, you could extract the CSS-classes into a variable and stuff but you still end up with a lot of nasty duplication (don't get me wrong, duplication isn't necessarily always bad and I believe it should absolutely be encouraged sometimes as it's often cheaper than the wrong abstraction) but it still hurts a bit to look at.

Well, the other day I decided to just do something about it, and conjured up this little thing:


    'if' => false,
    'with' => null,

@if ($if && $with)
    <x-dynamic-component :component="$with" {{ $attributes }}>
        {{ $slot }}
    {{ $slot }}

I don't really know why it took me so long. It's a super simple component, and at the same time really powerful. Just look how pretty it makes our original component now:


    'special' => false,

<x-wrap with="some-wrapper-component" :if="$special" :$special>
    <div class="...">
        {{ $slot }}

That's it! This was a short one, time to prepare for binge-reading Wind and Truth over the weekend! 🤓